50 Stats You Need to Know About Online Reviews - white label

Why are reviews so important?

Why are reviews so important?

Although more people understand the value of online reviews, we still get business owners asking why they should devote time (and money) to online reviews?

One of the first questions business owners should ask themselves as they consider ways to grow their business is “How do I search for a business or service when I need it?” Then, ask how you think your customers find you. They are probably pretty similar.

Would you choose the business with the 1 or 2 star rating or the one with 4 or 5? Your customers likely are looking for the businesses with the highest ratings.

Have you searched your business to see how many reviews you have and how many stars?

The number of reviews and the ratings are important. People do make decisions based on a business’ rating.

In fact, 92% of consumers now read online reviews vs. 88% a couple years ago, and star rating is the number one factor used by consumers to judge a business. The stats have been widely reported in various studies we constantly review. It’s not just what one company says on a sales sheet.

If you still need convincing, here’s an Infographic with 50 stats you should know about reviews.Online reviews importance infographic


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